مقالات مرتبط با این موضوع |
کد محصول: M758
سال نشر: ۲۰۱۸
نام ناشر (پایگاه داده): اسپرینگر
نام مجله: Closing the Gap Between Practice and Research in Industrial Engineering
نوع مقاله: فصل کتاب (Book Chapter)
تعداد صفحه انگلیسی: ۹ صفحه PDF
تعداد صفحه ترجمه فارسی: ۱۰ صفحه word
قیمت فایل ترجمه شده: ۱۵۰۰۰ تومان
عنوان فارسی:
مقاله ترجمه شده : ادغام ساخت پذیری و مدیریت ریسک پروژه
عنوان انگلیسی:
Integration of Constructability and Project Risk Management
چکیده فارسی:
این تحقیق مربوط به دنیای EPC (مهندسی، تامین کالا ، ساخت و اجرا) و مگا پروژه ها (پروژه های خیلی بزرگ) می باشد. تمرکز اصلی بر روی دو رشته است: مدیریت ریسک و ساخت پذیری. یک مدل ادغام نوآورانه با هدف پر کردن شکاف های موجود برای پشتیبانی از یک فرایند تصمیم گیری ساختاری و تسهیل ادغام دو رشته با رویکرد و توانایی های مختلف اما با هدف مشترک پیشنهاد شده است. : موفقیت مگا پروژه. اعتبارسنجی مدل با استفاده از یک تحلیل هزینه/سود بر روی ۴ مورد مطالعاتی از یک پیمانکار EPC انجام شده است (Saipem SpA).
The research concerns the EPC world and Mega-Projects. The focus is on two disciplines: Risk Management and Constructability. An innovative integration model is proposed, aiming to bridge the existing gaps, to support a structured decision-making process and to facilitate the integration of the two disciplines characterised by different approaches and competences, but with a common target: the megaproject success. The validation of the model is carried out by mean of a cost/benefit analysis on four case studies of an EPC contractor (Saipem SpA).
Keywords : EPC contractor, Construction, Integration, Constructability ,Project risk management
Nowadays EPC contractors have to deal with increasingly complex projects, characterized by fragmented and articulated processes. The development of appropriate tools and techniques is necessary to make the project management efficient and to avoid waste in terms of time and resources. Othman (2011) states that most of these problems can be overcome by implementing procedures that focus on techniques for the improvement of project quality and efficiency. In particular, the main arguments of this research are. Academics and practitioners have explored Project Risk Management (from now on PRM) and Constructability (two disciplines largely adopted by EPC contractors since the 90s) separately, but there is a big gap on their integration.
Research Problem Definition
Construction projects are often part of a complex and dynamic environment, resulting in circumstances of high uncertainty that could threat the project success. PRM cannot disregard the construction activities since the major part of over-costs and delays comes from construction inefficiencies (Zhao and Duan 2008). Schieg (2006) asserts that the integration of a PRM system must permeate all areas, functions and processes of the project. Hiley and Paliokostas (2001) argue that there is the need to structure a better relationship between PRM and Constructability processes, because promoting the latter can in turn reduce specific risks. This work answers the following research questions: (R1) What is the State of Art of PRM and Constructability and what is their degree of integration? (R2) How can the disciplines be integrated to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the project processes? (R3) If the feasibility is proven, what are the costs and benefits of the integration?
۳ Research Methodology
The followed research process complies with the guidelines proposed by several literature sources such as Kumar (2011). Adopted process steps are shown in Fig. 1. Each step answers its related research question. The aim of literature survey (M1) is to understand the disciplines’ state of art and the research progress about their integration. Both conceptual and empirical analysis has been reviewed. Moreover, previous research has provided explorative guidelines for the creation of a theoretical model (M2) where Constructability and PRM processes are integrated. The main reference standard is the IDEF 0, fit for function modelling. By integrating the theoretical model concepts into Saipem’s1 procedures, a time-dependent model has been developed (M3). After defining cluster domain for case studies, the model validation has been developed in four projects2 subjected to a cost/benefit analysis. Figure 2 shows the data collection and the analysis development.
Data about construction criticalities (due to the lack of integration) have been collected from internal documentation and interviews with personnel involved in the examined projects. The triangulation of evidences (Yin 2012) from multiple data sources and the investigator triangulation (Bryman 2004) results in the process.